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Brimscombe C of E Primary School

Brimscombe C of E Primary School

& Ladybirds PreSchool

Brimscombe C of E Primary School

Take A Picture...

This week we have been inspired by paintings and art work in our Take A Picture week.

Children were looking at the painting by Claude-Joseph Vernet called A Shipwreck in Stormy Seas.

We discussed how it was like a metaphor for life and how can look for hope and blue sky amid the stormy surroundings. The children thought it was beautiful, yet terrifying and we spent time searching for other images that showed this. 

Then we talked about how the painting is an exaggeration of reality so we looked into other art work where imagination and reality meet. We had a go at drawing and photographing our own pictures. 


Brimscombe Hill, Brimscombe, Stroud, Gloucestershire GL5 2QR

01453 882474

For hard copies please contact Mrs S Newman in the office