Our School Vision and Values
Brimscombe CE VA Primary is a welcoming and friendly school. We pride ourselves on our shared school ethos, how we care for all our children and the rich opportunities we offer all our children.
Our vision statement:
Our shared vision is what makes Brimscombe C.E. (VA) School such an inclusive and happy place. Rooted in Christian Values, it is at the heart of all we do. It is taken firstly from Paul’s letter to the Corinthians.
‘Stay alert and hold firmly to all you believe. Be mighty and full of courage. Let love and kindness be the motivation behind all that you do.'
1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Through our Christian ethos we work together to develop enquiring minds, a spirit of curiosity, tolerance, and resilience. We value every member of our school community for who they are. Through challenge, support and building positive relationships, we pursue excellence in all we do.
The aims of our school are that:
- All our pupils feel safe & cared for
- All our children flourish
- We look after ourselves and each other
- Everyone in our school community understands tolerance & respect for others.
- Each child grows in spiritual awareness.
- We celebrate diversity.
- We encourage global awareness
- We provide rich opportunities for our children to learn
- Everyone promotes positive relationships.
- We build a community of children, staff, parents and Governors that works together for the benefit of all.
The school's associated values for life, include their spiritual, moral and social culture are also an integral part of the foundation of what we do and are promoted and celebrated through the whole curriculum.
Our Values for Life:
- Kindness
- Respect
- Courage
- Friendship
- Responsibility