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Brimscombe C of E Primary School

Brimscombe C of E Primary School

& Ladybirds PreSchool

Brimscombe C of E Primary School

Religious Education and Collective Worship

We are proud of our Christian Foundation...

Brimscombe CE VA Primary School was founded by the Church of England in 1840 to provide education to children in the area. The original school was housed just below Holy Trinity Church on Brimscombe Hill. The new school was opened in 1997. The facilities here are modern but we hold dear our traditional values and Christian ethos.

Mrs. Brown leads Religious Education in our school, supported by Rev. Peter Francis and members of the local church community. 

Through the high quality teaching of Religious Education at Brimscombe, we aim to: 

  • Engage pupils by exploring questions arising from the study of the main world religions to promote their personal, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
  • Provide children with the knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other world religions to better understand traditions, beliefs and behaviour.
  • Encourage children to consider their own beliefs and take small steps on their own spiritual journey, whatever that may look like.
  • Encourage children to be understanding of those who hold a different belief system to their own. 
  • Prepare children for their next stage in life, academically, emotionally and spiritually. 

How is Religious Education taught? 

Religious Education is taught weekly and is a core subject at Brimscombe C of E Prmary School. Each term, teachers plan lessons using the Local Agreed Syllabus and use the 'Understanding Christianity' scheme as a support to their planning and teaching. Each unit has a key question which children aim to answer by the end of the unit, using key religious texts and objects/artefacts to support their learning. 

Each class participates in Collective Worship daily at Brimscombe. Children take part in class worship sessions twice a week, which focus on prayer,  reflection and Bible stories. The Biblical texts are used to illustrate important values  such as kindness, respect and responsibility. We also have whole school worship three times a week. This is led by our local clergy and the chair of governors on a weekly basis.  We also invite members to the community to take whole school worship during our weekly 'Open the Book' worship. On a Friday we have an open house 'celebration Worship' which is open to all members of the school community. 

What will be th impact of our Religious Education on our pupils. 

We will know that our Religious Education is being impactful because: 

  • Children will be able to accurately articulate their knowledge and understanding about the major world religions and their traditions and beliefs.
  • Children will be reflective about their own lives and be able to convey their thoughts through prayers, poems, artwork and reflections. 
  • Children will be tolerant and respectful of others and their beliefs and behaviours.  
  • Children will confident for their next stage in life, knowing they can express their feelings and beliefs in a respectful way. 

You can learn more about what the children will be learning and when by looking at our whole school curriculum map. Termly information is also on the class pages. 

SIAMS ( Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools)

All Anglican and Methodist schools receive inspections approximately every 5 years.  Below you can read our last SIAMS  full inspection 2016 and our in inspection 2019. 


Brimscombe Hill, Brimscombe, Stroud, Gloucestershire GL5 2QR

01453 882474

For hard copies please contact Mrs S Newman in the office