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Brimscombe C of E Primary School

Brimscombe C of E Primary School

& Ladybirds PreSchool

Brimscombe C of E Primary School

Area and Perimeter Challenge!

The children were set an area and perimeter challenge! 

After some work in maths, the children were set the challenge of creating a compound shape using 2D shapes which they then had to work out the area and perimeter for.  The challenge was that they weren't allowed to use a ruler and had to make up the measurements ensuring that it all added up and 'made sense'. 


The children did a super job and the calculations were amazing! Well done Otters! 

Brimscombe Hill, Brimscombe, Stroud, Gloucestershire GL5 2QR

01453 882474

For hard copies please contact Mrs S Newman in the office