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Brimscombe C of E Primary School

Brimscombe C of E Primary School

& Ladybirds PreSchool

Brimscombe C of E Primary School

Nail Art

Y6 were tasked with creating a design using nails and wool. 

Y6 spent some of their post SATs afternoons creating and designing art which uses nails and wool. They had to sketch out their designs and then use small tacks and hammers to create the design on some board. They had to think about the different colours and how to ensure their design was clear when the wool was wound around the nails. It was hard to ensure the wool was wound tightly enough and didn't come apart. 

Photo pending...


Brimscombe Hill, Brimscombe, Stroud, Gloucestershire GL5 2QR

01453 882474

For hard copies please contact Mrs S Newman in the office