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Brimscombe C of E Primary School

Brimscombe C of E Primary School

& Ladybirds PreSchool

Brimscombe C of E Primary School

Take one picture week

We became artists for the week! 

This week we have enjoyed the 'Take one picture' week where we took a specific photo and learned about the artist, the context and then recreated our own paintings based on the original. 


Our photo was 'Water Lillies' by Monet and after some discussion around style and colour, the children were struck by the bridge that cuts the painting in half from left to right. 

We decided to look at other paintings where bridges were included and found many different styles of paintings of many bridges around the world. 

The children decided to make bridges their theme and produced some wonderful paintings of interesting bridges around the world in the style of Monet and his original painting. 

Fantastic work Year 6! 

Brimscombe Hill, Brimscombe, Stroud, Gloucestershire GL5 2QR

01453 882474

For hard copies please contact Mrs S Newman in the office